Devi Khadgamala

There are myriad ways of worshipping the various deities (energies) that reside in the Sri  Yantra. One of the simplest ways is by chanting the Khadgamala, which is a very powerful invocation, not just a stotra or hymn. It is considered to be a “mala mantra” which invokes Sri Mahatripurasundari, the presiding deity of the Sri Vidya tradition along with the devatas or energies that reside in the various avaranas within the Sri Yantra.

The word “Khadga” means “sword” and “mala” means “garland.” The Khadgamala bestows a protective garland of weapons upon those who recite it. The Khadgamala takes us on a mental journey through the nine avaranas  while describing the significance and meaning of the enclosures. The metaphorical journey begins at the bhupura (outer periphery) and culminates at the bindu (central dot). Along the way, the 98 aspects of Devi are recognized and internalized to prepare us for the final convergence of Shiva and Shakti at the bindu.

Sri Amritananda Natha explains that in the Khadgamala, the sword bestows upon its reciters the energy to transcend attachment, enabling Self-realization. He says: “the Sword [metaphorically] severs the head, separating the body from the mind. It can also be interpreted as wisdom – that which separates, categorizes and classifies. So it is a symbol of knowledge. The Khadgamala is about imagining a garland of synergistic ideas, nourishing and protecting them and putting life into them.”

The correct way to chant the Khadgamala is by having an image of the yantra before us physically or visualizing it mentally if we have an accurate image stored in our mind’s eye. As we recite each name, the specific portion of the yantra should be the point of focus.

The stotra begins with “Om Aim Hrim Shrim Aim Klim Sauh” and leads into a tribute to the Devi and the places she resides.

Hridaya DeviGoddess who resides in the heart
Shiro DeviGoddess who resides in the head
Shikha DeviGoddess with flowing hair
Kavacha DeviGoddess who is like an armour
Nethra DeviGoddess who resides in the eyes
Astra DeviGoddess who gives us weapons

Then the 16 aspects (nitya) or qualities of the Devi are described. These 16 qualities represent different phases of the moon, starting from the new moon (Amavasya) to the full moon (Poornima).

KameshwariGoddess who controls passion
BhagamaliniGoddess who has a garland of suns
NityaklinneGoddess who is ever aroused
BherundeGoddess who is terrifying
VahinivasiniGoddess who resides in fire
MahavajreshwariGoddess who is like a diamond
ShivadutiGoddess who sends Shiva as an emissary and a bringer of joy
TwariteyGoddess who is unstoppable
Kula SundariGoddess who is the most beauteous in her clan
NityeGoddess who is eternal
NilapatakeyGoddess who carries a blue banner
VijayeGoddess who is victorious
SarvamangaleGoddess who is completely auspicious
Jvala MaliniGoddess who is the mistress of flames
ChitreGoddess who is like a picture
Maha NityeGoddess who is eternal and great

Following are the qualities that pervade Devi and the names of the saints who have worshipped her in the past:

Parameshwara ParameshwariGoddess of the Divine God
MitresamayiGoddess of friendship
SastisamayiGoddess who is the consort of Lord Subramanya
UddiyasamayiGoddess who pervades as the moon does
CharyanathamayiGoddess who pervades all rituals
LopamudramayiGoddess who pervades as Sage Lopamudra
AgastyamayiGoddess who pervades as Sage Agastyamayi
KalatapasamayiGoddess who pervades penance over ages
DharmacharyamayiGoddess pervades the teachers of Dharma
MuktakeshisvarayamayiGoddess whose hair falls freely
DipakalanathamayiGoddess who is like the flame of a lamp
VishnudevamayiGoddess who pervades God Vishnu
PrabhakaradevamayiGoddess who pervades the Sun God
TejodevamayiGoddess who shines
ManojadevamayiGoddess who pervades the God of desire
KalyanadevamayiGoddess who pervades God of auspiciousness
VasudevamayiGoddess who pervades Lord Krishna
RathnadevamayiGoddess who pervades the God of gems
SriramanandamayiGoddess who pervades the joy of Ram

Details of the First enclosure

AnimasiddheGoddess who has the power to become invisible
LaghimasiddheGoddess who has the power to become light and fly
GarimasiddheGoddess who can make her body as heavy as she wants
MahimasiddheGoddess who has the ability to increase or decrease the size of her body
IshitvasiddheGoddess who has creative control
VasistvasiddheGoddess who can command enchantingly
PrakamyasiddheGoddess who can realize all her desires
BhuktisiddheGoddess who can enjoy all she wants
Iccha siddheGoddess who has powers to wish all she wants
PraptisiddheGoddess who can attain all that she desires
SarvakamasiddheGoddess who can make us realize all desires
 BrahmiGoddess who is the power of Brahma
MaheshwariGoddess who is the power of Shiva
KaumariGoddess who is the power of Subramanya
VaishnaviGoddess who is the power of Vishnu
VarahiGoddess who is the power of Lord Varaha
MahendriGoddess who is the power of Devendra, God of Heaven
ChamundeGoddess who killed Chanda and Munda
MahalakshmiGoddess Lakshmi
Sarva samkshobiniShe who agitates everything
Sarva VidraviniShe who melts everything
SavrakarshiniShe who attracts everything
Sarva vasamkariShe who controls everything
SarvonmadiniShe who drives everyone mad
SarvamahankusheShe who is the great goad to all
Sarva KhechariShe who travels through space
Sarva beejeShe who is the seed of everything
Sarva YoniShe who is the womb
Trilokya MohanaShe who is the mistress of all three worlds – waking, sleeping and dreaming
Chakra SwaminiGoddess of the Chakra
PrakatayoginiShe who is an expert in yoga and expresses herself without inhibitions

Second enclosure

KamakarshiniShe who attracts the power of passion
BuddhyakarshiniShe who is attracted by intelligence
AhamkarakarshiniShe who attracts the power of pride
ShabdakarshiniShe who is attracted by good sound
SparshakarshiniShe who is attracted by good touch
RoopakarshiniShe who is attracted by good form
RasakarshiniShe who is attracted by good taste
GandhakarshiniShe who is attracted by good smell
ChittakarshiniShe who is attracted by a good mind
DhairyakarshiniShe who is attracted by bravery
SmrithyakarshiniShe who is attracted by good memory
NamakarshiniShe who is attracted by good name
BheejakarshiniShe who is attracted by proper root mantras
AtmakarshiniShe who attracts the soul
AmritakarshiniShe who is attracted by immortality
SharirakarshiniShe who is attracted by the body
Sarvasha ParipurakaFulfiller of all desires
ChakraswaminiGoddess of the chakra
GuptayoginiGoddess who is a secret practitioner of Yoga

Third enclosure

AnangakusumeThe sentiment of flowering
AnangamekhaleThe girdle of love
AnangamadaneThe sentiment of arousal in love
AnangamadanantureOne in the throes of love
AnangarekheCrossing the threshold of love
AnangaveginiThe sentiment of urgency in lovemaking
AnangakusheGoad of love
AnangamaliniWearing a garland of love
SarvasamkshobanaShe who agitates all
Chakra swaminiGoddess of Chakra
Guptatara YoginiShe who practices the secret yoga

Fourth enclosure

SarvasamkshobiniShe who agitates everything
SarvavidraviniShe who makes everything liquid
SarvakarshiniShe who attracts everything
Sarva HladiniShe who makes everyone happy
SarvasammohiniShe who deludes all
SarvastambhiniShe who stops all activity
Sarva JhrumbiniShe who expands everything
Sarva VasamkariShe who makes everyone obey
SarvanranjiniShe who makes everyone delighted
Sarvon MadiniShe who makes everyone ecstatic for her
SarvasampattipuriniShe who gives all types of riches
SarvamantramayiShe who is within all mantras
SarvadvandvakshayankariShe who eliminates all duality
SarvasaubhagyadayakaShe who bestows all types of luck
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
SampradayayoginiShe who practices yoga in a traditional way.

Fifth enclosure

SarvasiddhipradeShe who grants all occult powers
SarvasampatpradeShe who gives all kinds of riches
SarvapriyankariShe who gives all that one wishes for
SarvamangalakariniShe who is the harbinger of auspicious acts
SarvakamapradeShe who fulfils all desires
SarvadukhavimochiniShe who helps rid one of all sorrows
SarvamrityuprasamaniShe who can help avoid accidental deaths
SarvavighnanivariniShe who removes all obstacles
SarvangasundariShe who is beautiful in her entire body
SarvasaubhyadayaniShe who gives all types of luck
SarvarthasadakaShe who grants all objects of wealth
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
Kulottirnayayogini She who practices yoga to liberate the entire clan

Sixth enclosure

SarvajneShe who has all knowledge
SarvashakteShe who is all powerful
SarvaishwaryapradayiniShe who gives all kinds of power to protect
SarvajnanamayiShe who has all spiritual knowledge
Sarvavyadhivinasini She who destroys all diseases
SarvadharaswarupeShe who is the basis of everything
SarvapapahareShe who destroys all sins
SarvanandamayiShe who is full of happiness
SarvarakshaswaroopiniShe who is protector to all
SarvekshitaphalapradeShe who gives all desired results
Sarvarakshakara-She who protects all
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
NigarbhayoginiShe who like a mother protects a child in the womb

Seventh enclosure

VasiniShe who attracts everything
KameshwariShe who is the wife of Kameshwara (Shiva)
ModiniShe who is full of joy
VimaleShe who is pure
AruneShe who is the colour of the rising sun
JayiniShe who is victorious
SarveshwariShe who is the goddess of all
KauliniShe who is born in a noble family
SarvarogaharaShe who destroys all diseases
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
RahasyayoginiShe who practices yoga in secret

Eighth enclosure

BaniniShe who holds an arrow
ChapiniShe who holds a bow
PasiniShe who holds a rope
AnkushiniShe who holds a goad
MahakameshwariShe who is the wife of Kameshwara (Shiva)
MahavajreshwariShe who is as strong as a diamond
MahabhagamaliniShe who wears a garland of prosperity
SarvasiddhipradaShe who gives rise to all occult powers
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
AtiRahasyayoginiShe who practices yoga in great secret

Ninth enclosure

Sri Sri Maha BhattarikeShe who is the supreme queen
SarvanandamayaShe who offers all kinds of happiness
ChakrasvaminiGoddess of chakra
Para para Rahasya yoginiShe who practices yoga in utmost secret

The nine Goddesses  controlling the nine Chakras

TripuraShe who controls the three states of waking, dreaming and sleeping
TripureshiShe who is the goddess of three worlds
TripurasundariShe who is the most beautiful of the three worlds
TripuravasiniShe who lives in the three worlds
TripurasiddheShe who can make occult powers possible in three worlds
TripurambaShe who is the mother of the three worlds
MahatripurasundariShe who is the most beautiful
Mahamaheshwari She who can make occult powers possible in three worlds
MahamaharajniShe who is the great empress
MahamahashakteShe who is the great cosmic power
MahamahagupteShe who is the great cosmic secret
MahamahajnapteShe who is the great cosmic memory
MahamahaanandeShe who is the great cosmic bliss
MahamahaskandheShe who is the great cosmic support
MahamahashayeShe who is the great cosmic thought process
Mahamaha SrichakranagarasamrajniThe great transcendental ruler of Sri Chakra
 Namaste, Namaste, Namaste NamahI offer my Salutations.

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